What's google

Google is a search engine that started development in 1996 by Sergey Brin and
Larry Page as a research project at Stanford University to find files on the Internet. Larry and Sergey later decided the name of their search engine needed to change and decide upon Google, which is inspired from the term googol .
The domain google.com was later registered on September 15, 1997 , and the company incorporated on September 4, 1998. The picture below is a capture of the site from The Internet Archive of what Google looked like in 1998

What helps Google stand out from its competition and helps it continue to grow and be the number one search engine is its PageRank technique that sorts search results. While being one of the best search engines on the Internet, Google also incorporates many of its other services, such as Google Maps and Google Local, to provide more relevant search results.

Other Google products and services
Android - The most widely used operating system for smartphones.
Blogger - View and create a personal
Chromebook - Laptop using the Google ChromeOS.
ChromeOS - Operating system developed by Google for laptop and portable computers.
Gmail - Free online e-mail service with over 1 GB of storage and the best
Spam protection available.
Google+ - Google social networking site.
Google AdSense - A service that pays website publishers or blog developers to show advertisements on their site.
Google AdWords - Service that enables users to pay to advertise on the Google search engine and other websites using Google AdSense.
Google Alerts - Create alert text messages sent to an e-mail address each day or as it happens of web searches, news searches, etc.
Google Analytics - Google Analytics allows anyone with their own domain to monitor and create reports of visitors to their website.
Google App Engine - A service that provides users the ability to create scalable web services that use Google's resources.
Google Books - Another fantastic service from Google that contains hundreds of thousands of books that can be searched.
Google Calendar - A way to organize your schedule, synchronize, and share events with your friends.
Google Chrome - The most popular desktop Internet browser .
Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) - Service that allows you to create a custom Google Search engine.
Google Docs - A fantastic free solution from Google that allows you to open Microsoft Office documents as well as share them with other users with Internet access.
Google Drive - A cloud storage service from Google introduce April 24, 2012 that allows users to view, edit, and store their documents and files in the Google cloud.
Google Blog - A blog maintained by Google that helps give an insight into the company.
Google Developer - A place to find all Google developer documentation, resources, events, and products.
Google Earth - A fantastic software program that allows a person to view almost everywhere on earth, get directions, find close shops and places of interest, and much more.
Google Fiber - A limited service available in some places in the United States that offers a Fiber connection to the Internet.
Google Fonts - A collection of thousands of fonts that can be used on your web page.
Google Groups - Google's bulletin board with millions of users and postings.
Google Hangouts -
Google Homepage - Google's main page and search engine.
Google Images - Google search that allows you to search for images instead of text.
Google Mail - More well known as
Gmail, is one of the most popular email hosts.
Google Maps - A great feature that enables users to search for directions from one location to another, search for local businesses, and more.
Google Moon - In celebration of the first Moon landing, Google created this page that has a map of our Moon as well as each of the moon landings.
Google News - Great news site automatically generated using the results of news sites queried by Google.
Google Ngram Viewer - Great tool that allows you to search lots of books and other printed material for the frequency of words or phrases.
Google Now - Service primarily used by mobile users that gives the most relevant information that relates to you based of your searching and driving habits.
Google Play - A service that allows users to search and download apps, books, movies, and music for Android devices.
Google Play Music - A service that allows users to stream, download, and upload music to a person library as well as create and listen to radio stations. It is usable across multiple devices. Additionally, Google Play Music unlimited song streaming for a monthly fee.
Google Shopping - Formerly known as Froogle, Google Shopping is a search service for finding products based on prices, location, type, etc.
Google Sites - A service that enables users to create and share websites.
Google Scholar - Allows users to search for scholarly literature.
Google Street View - Another great service that allows anyone to drive down the streets around the world.
Google Patents - Allows users to search over 7 million patents.
Google Photos - Online cloud storage for photos and videos, allowing users to upload, organize, and share with other users.
Google SMS - Enables users to send text messages over their mobile using
SMS to get quick answers such as driving directions, movie show times, local business listing, etc.
Google Toolbar - For Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer and Firefox users, this software add-on enables users using these browsers to have access to the Google search and other Google features any time the browser window is open.
Google Translator - Translate a foreign language web page or text into your language.
Google Trends - List of the 100 most active search queries and comparison of what people are searching for on Google.
Google URL Shortener - Service to shorten long URLs.
Google Video - Search for online videos hosted by Google as well as transcript text of videos and TV shows.
Google Voice - Use Google search over the phone using your voice.
Google Wallet - A payment service developed by Google that allows people to send and receive money from other people.
Google WebMaster tools - Another great service provided by Google that enables webmasters to view, maintain, and control how Google indexes their web page.
Google.org - The philanthropic arm of Google.
My Activity - Utility that tracks your history when you use Google's services.
YouTube - Video service that allows users to freely upload videos and view others videos.
What's google What's google Reviewed by Anonymous on September 25, 2017 Rating: 5
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