How to Fix the “Screen Overlay Detected” Error on Android

Screen Overlay Detected Error appear with a message, “To change this permission setting, you first have to turn off screen overlay from Settings > Apps”.

screen overlay detected

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What is Screen Overlay?

Screen Overlay causes one of the most annoying error especially on all Marshmallow 6.0 Versions of Android devices. During installation of new apps, you need to grant some permissions such as contact, storage, camera etc. If active screen overlay of any app is observed then a sudden “Screen Overlay Detected” pop up will appear on your Android Device.

What are reasons behind Screen Overlay error?

You need to know following Screen Overlay Error reasons in order to fix it on your Android Device.
  • Android Marshmallow 6.0
  • Draw Over Other Apps Permission
  • Apps appearing on the top of other app
  • Unwanted apps
Whenever you install any new app on your marshmallow Android device then you must have seen the popups of certain permissions, such as Contact, Storage, and Recording. If active Screen Overlay feature of any app is observed then a sudden popup with Screen Overlay Detected message will appear. Now let’s jump to the main section on fixing this error on any Android Device.

How to turn off Screen Overlay Detected on Android?

There are several solutions to turn off Screen Overlay Detected on Any Android Device. Apply all solutions one by one to troubleshoot this error on your device and hopefully one solution will surely prove helpful to fix this issue on your Android Device.
In this solution, we will turn off the screen overlay of all apps including system apps after which screen overlay detected error won’t appear again. Follow below Screen Overlay Settings.
  1. Open Settings
  2. Scroll down to Apps optionscreen overlay app
  3. Click on Three Dots
  4. Select Draw Over Other Apps
  5. Select Show System Apps
  6. Now you can turn off screen overlay of all apps
Now you have successfully disabled Screen Overlay of all apps. Now it won’t appear again until you manually turn it on. You can manually turn it on for Facebook Messenger if you want to use its feature of chat head.
This solution had worked for almost everyone, hope it works for you too.

Uninstall Screen Overlay Apps

Screen Overlay feature is also used by some unwanted security and cleaner Apps. If you are facing Screen Overlay Detected WhatsApp or while using any other app, then uninstall or force stop some unwanted apps which are currently not useful till one month, or apps which haven’t used since last month. This will also solve lagging issues on your device and will also free up some ROM on your device.
List of Apps Which are Causing Screen Overlay Detected issue on Android Device:
Apps which can appear on the top of other apps or apps which can changes the screen color (night mode apps) may causes screen overlay detected error on your device. So you must force stop or uninstall all those apps. Below are hints for Apps which may cause this Screen Overlay Detected issue on your Android Devices.
  • Chat head of Facebook Messenger.
  • Apps which have Animated Rocket Cleaners on Home Screen
  • 360 Security
  • Es File Explorer
How to Fix the “Screen Overlay Detected” Error on Android How to Fix the “Screen Overlay Detected” Error on Android Reviewed by Cadotz media on January 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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