How to use a computer keyboard

How to use a computer keyboard

Updated: 12/30/2019 by Computer Hope
Using a keyboard
A computer keyboard is an input device used with all types of computers. Newer devices like a smartphone and tablet even still use an on-screen keyboard. This page is designed to help new computer users become more familiar and efficient with their keyboard. For new users, we suggest reading through all of the below sections and doing all of the practices.

Connecting the keyboard

Before you can use the keyboard, it must be connected properly to the computer. If you have a new computer and need help connecting the keyboard, or the keyboard is not working, see our steps on connecting and installing a keyboard.

Familiarizing yourself with the keyboard

Below is an overview of a desktop computer keyboard. This picture shows the major sections of the keyboard. Each section is explained in detail below.
Computer keyboard overview

Overview of each section of the keyboard

Alphanumeric keyboard

The alphanumeric keyboard is the primary portion of the keyboard that contains letters, numbers, punctuation, and some of the symbol keys. Today, most users use a QWERTY style keyboards, as shown in the below illustration. You can tell if you are using a QWERTY keyboard by looking at the first six letters to see if they spell "QWERTY."
Qwerty keyboard layout
See the link below for a full listing of each key and symbol and their functions.

Function keys

The function keys or F1 through F12 or F19 keys are used in programs as shortcut keys to performed frequently performed tasks. For example, the F1 key is the key to open the online help for most programs.
On some keyboards, the function keys may be used to activate additional functions on a computer. Used in combination with the Fn key, the function keys can activate other functions, like changing screen brightness, accessing media controls, or turning off the computer.
Keyboard control keys

Control and toggle keys

The control keys or toggle keys give the user additional control over text manipulation and cursor placement. They may also be used as shortcut keys in many programs. See our control keys definition for additional information and examples.
Tip Control keys and Ctrl keys are different.


Although not available on all computer keyboards, especially laptops; the keypad gives the user quick access to numbers and math functions such as plus, divide, times, and subtract. See the keypad definition for further information, pictures, and related links.

Wrist pad

In our example picture, the Saitek keyboard has a wrist pad intended to help support the user's wrists. Although many keyboards do not include a wrist pad, hundreds of different options can be purchased at a computer store or online.
Warning Experts debate the need for wrist pads and many ergonomic experts argue a wrist pad may be more stressful and may help cause carpal tunnel.
Keyboard arrow keys

Arrow keys

The arrow keys are four directional keys that allow you to move the cursor or change a highlighted selection. See our arrow keys page for further information.

Special keys or media keys on a multimedia keyboard

Multimedia keyboards have additional buttons not found on a traditional keyboard. See our special keys page for further information.

Start typing and how to position hands

Before typing, place your hands in the proper position, with your fingers on the home row keys. When you are typing, glance at your fingers to make sure that each finger is pressing the correct key. Below is a picture to help illustrate where each finger should be positioned as well as the home row keys. Your left-hand fingers should be positioned over A, S, D, and F keys and your right hand should be positioned over the J, K, L, and ; keys. Also, each color helps illustrate what fingers are responsible for what key.
Computer keyboard finger placement
If you have never learned how to type properly and use the hunt-and-peck method of typing, we strongly encourage you to practice throughout this page using the proper technique. Not only does this improve your typing efficiency it also reduces the strain you may encounter while typing from having to look down at the keyboard.
Once your hands are in the proper position practice typing the below sentence that has every letter in the alphabet.

Practice typing every letter

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Correcting errors

It is inevitable as you type that you are going to make errors the backspace key and delete key can help you correct these errors. Using the backspace key erases one character to the left of the cursor and delete erases one character to the right of the cursor.
Note Apple computer keyboards have two delete keys. The big delete key on the keyboard acts the same as a backspace key, and the other delete key acts as a delete key.
Use the below practice are to practice correcting errors.

Correcting errors

Using your mouse click in the below box after the "e" in "doe" and press the backspace key once. Once the "e" is removed, type a "g" to make the word "dog" in the sentence.

Using the mouse, click the cursor before "s" in "sox," and then press the Delete key once. Once the "s" is removed, type an "f" to make the word "fox" in the sentence.

Tip You can press delete or backspace multiple times to delete multiple characters.

Using the arrow keys to move around

One of the best methods to improve your efficiency on the keyboard is to avoid using the mouse whenever possible. Having to move your hand away from the keyboard to the mouse and then back to the keyboard wastes a lot of time. One method of avoiding the mouse is to use the arrow keys to move the cursor instead of using the mouse to move the cursor.
In the practice area below, use the arrow keys to move the cursor, move it around within a line of text, make corrections to errors, and add new text.

Practice using the arrow keys

Click in the below box before the word "wuick" and press the delete key to delete the "w" and then type "q" to make the word "quick." Next, press the right arrow key until you are after the "a" in "brawn" and press the backspace key to delete the "a" and then type "o" to make the word "brown." Finally, repeat these steps until the below sentence reads "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Tip Press the "Tab" key on the keyboard to place the text cursor jump in the text field below. Pressing "Tab" on a web page moves the cursor or selection to the next available interactive element, such as a button, text field, or hyperlink.
If you followed the tip, your browser should have jumped to the below field. If the text is all highlighted, press the right arrow key to get to the end of the text and then using the steps you used earlier fix the below sentence to read "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Deleting text one letter and one word at a time

It may also be necessary to delete more than one letter or even a word at a time. Use the below practice to delete all of the text from a line.

Practice deleting one letter and one word at a time

Move to the end of the line below and then press the backspace key until all text is deleted in the below box.

Now use the Ctrl key with backspace to delete one word at a time by moving to the end of the below sentence, hold down Ctrl, and press the backspace key.

Uppercase, lowercase, and all caps

Lowercase example
Unless your Caps Lock key is turned on, your computer types everything in lowercase. To make the first letter of a sentence or word uppercase, hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and press the letter you want to capitalize.
If you want all of the words capitalized press the Caps Lock key, which should turn on an LED indicator indicating it is enabled. Once enabled, everything remains capitalized unless you hold down the Shift key or press the Caps Lock key again.
Use the below practice to type text in uppercase and lowercase.

Practice using the arrow keys

Type "Example" by holding down the left Shift key and pressing "e" to get an uppercase "E" and then letting go of the Shift key and typing the remaining of the word in lowercase.

Type "EXAMPLE" by pressing the Caps Lock key once and then typing out the word. After you have finished using the Caps Lock key, press the key again to return it back to normal.

Now knowing what you know practice using the Shift key and Caps Lock key to complete the below sentence. Again, make sure that when you are typing these practices that you have your hands on the home row keys and are using the correct fingers.
The QUICK brown Fox jumps OVER the LaZy dOg.

Getting to the beginning and end of a line

The Home key and End key can also be used to get to the beginning of the line. Use the below practice to get to the beginning and end of the line of text.

Practice going to the beginning and end of a line using the keyboard

Click anywhere in the middle of the text below and then press the Home key to get to the beginning of the line and then the End key to get to the end of the line.

Highlighting text using the keyboard

It is also possible to highlight text using the keyboard with the Shift key. Follow the below practice to highlight text in the below sentence.

Practice highlighting text using the keyboard

Move to the end of the sentence and then press and hold the Shift key and while continuing to hold the Shift key press the left arrow key to begin highlighting the sentence. You can highlight the whole sentence if you continue to press or hold down the left arrow.

You can highlight one word at a time by holding down the Shift key and Ctrl key and pressing the left or right arrow to highlight one word in that direction.

Highlight all of the below text by clicking anywhere in the below box and then use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A (press and hold Ctrl and then while holding Ctrl press the "a" key). If you are using an Apple Computer, press Cmd+A (press and hold the command key and while holding the key press the "a" key).

Tip When text is highlighted, you can press the delete key to delete all highlighted text or start typing to replace highlighted text.

Copy and paste text using the keyboard

Copying and pasting text is something every computer user is going to do more than once. Knowing how to copy and paste text using the keyboard can save you a lot of time when using the computer.

Practice copying and pasting text using the keyboard

Click in the below text box and then using the steps we learned earlier highlight either part of the below sentence or the whole sentence. Once the text is highlighted, press Ctrl+C or Cmd+C to copy the highlighted text.

Once the text is copied to the clipboard, click in the box below or press the Tab key to move the cursor to the below box and paste text by pressing Ctrl+V or Cmd+V on the keyboard.

Tip You can also cut the text instead of copying the text if you want to move the text from one box to the other box. To cut text, you use the Ctrl+X or Cmd+X keyboard shortcut.
Further steps and information on copying and pasting text using the keyboard, mouse, or touch screen on any device is also on the link below.

Using the 10-key

External USB Keypad
If your keyboard has a numeric keypad, it can save you a lot of time when you're typing numbers in a calculator or spreadsheet.
Before using the 10-key make sure your right hand is properly positioned on the keypad. The home row for the numeric keypad is 4, 5, 6, and Enter. Your index finger on your right hand should be on the number 4. Your middle finger should be on 5, you ring finger on 6, and your pinky should rest on the Enter key.
Tip There is usually a small bump on the five key to help position your right hand without looking.
After your hand is in the position, you can use the below practice to practice using the keypad.

Keyboard 10-key practice

Note If your keyboard has a Num Lock key, the Number lock must be turned on for the numbers to work on the keypad.




Tip Another good way to practice using the 10-key is to open the calculator on your computer and enter numbers using the calculator. Pressing the Enter key on the 10-key with your pinky after entering a math formula gives you the total.

Keyboard shortcuts

One of the best methods of becoming more efficient with your computer is to learn and memorize as many keyboard shortcuts as possible. As mentioned above, your typing becomes much faster if you don't have to move your hand to the mouse. So, keyboard shortcuts help increase the speed at which you can use your computer.
Computer Hope has hundreds of keyboard shortcuts for popular programs and operating systems. Below are a few links to our keyboard shortcuts to help get you started.

Additional practice sentences

Practice makes perfect, and the only way to increase your speed and become better at typing is to practice. Below are some more sentences to practice that also relate to the everything you learned on this page. Not only is doing the below practices going to help you learn to type, but it also helps reinforce everything you learned on this page and teach you a little more.
How to use a computer keyboard How to use a computer keyboard Reviewed by Cadotz media on January 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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